Thursday, October 8, 2009


it's only fitting that yr granny learns how to make a granny square, right?!  i thought so too, so i skipped class yesterday morning and spent a few hours making this wonky beauty:

i was a little worried, being a knitter, about the transition to crochet but it went surprisingly smooth.  it took me a few tries but then again, everything does. . . :) 

i found katja's tutorial really helpful.  i bounced back and forth from that to the video suggested by the red velvet girls.  if you're considering giving it a try, i say go for it!  know that patience is key and don't give up.  sometimes it just takes that third or fiftieth pause-rewind-play to get over your hang up.

xo melisa


  1. i learned how to crochet before i learned how to knit and i loooove it. it is a little simpler, i think, and easier to get creative with. but it is definitely helpful to know how to do both of them. congrats on learning to crochet :)

  2. i learned to knit before crochet, and to me that feels simpler! hah, but i do agree that it's a little easier to get creative with crochet. i'm excited to make an afghan out of grannies! :)
