Saturday, September 26, 2009

"smitten with" saturday!

happy saturday everybody!  today i'm introducing a new feature to my blog: "smitten with" saturdays.  inspired by 10 Things I Love Sunday and other similar posts, i plan to gather a few things i'm smitten with each week to share with you.  enjoy!

1. my new button collection.

the past few weeks, i've been scouring ebay for some sort of miracle deal on a large collection of buttons to use for future projects.  living in chicago (and not having a car), my access to garage/estate sales is somewhat limited and i had found ebay to be a poor substitute.  my family lives in michigan, so i called my mom and told her to be on the lookout, thinking maybe a coworker had some buttons to spare.  long story short, she informed my gram who then went out garage sale-ing and haggled down a five pound bag of buttons from 40 dollars to 8!  my mom shipped them out right away, and i was thrilled to find the package at our doorstep today.  i love my family. :)

2. photographs by Tim Walker.

3. this adorable illustration by gemma correll:

4. everything by Keri Smith!  love her.

5. the trailer for New York, I Love You.  eeeee, gives me goosebumps!

6. pecan crescents.

7. vintage cat-eye glasses.  my birthday is in just over a month.  *fingers crossed*

8. these prints by Blue Bonbon.

9. greasers (my boyfriend included).

10. this caricature, done for us by the lovely Matthew Reidsman at the Renegade Craft Fair.

What are you lovelies up to this weekend?


  1. i know! he did it in like five minutes too, after he had been drawing for 5 hours straight without a break.

  2. I absolutely love the Blue Bonbon prints. They are the cutest.

    And that caricature of you and Bryce is fantastic.

    I love your blog btw. It's so much better than anything I could ever do. :)

  3. noelleeee! i miss you lady.
    come to chicago and let's draw pictures of big fat bears, like the prints.

    PS: start a blog, i bet it would RULE!

  4. Oh Mel, I love all of those things too. My favs: The buttons and the drawing of you and Bryce, so spot on!

  5. aw, thank you emmy! i hope that james maddy is treating you well this year.

  6. Oh Melisa, you have inspired me to work on my blog. Well, it's the tumblr that I use for crafts ( and even the other/main one where I feel like I post too much. I just use them as a digital board of inspiration for me when originally I just wanted to use it as a real blog to reach out to others. I have an old blogspot that I gave up on. I want to go back to it. I should, shouldn't I? It's rather ugly, and I don't want to get rid of it completely, but starting fresh would be great.


    P.S. I love Tim Walker's photograph of the light gowns in the tree, Gemma Correll, cat eye frames, the big bear in the scarf, + the caricature of you and Bryce (I'm thinking about getting one done!).
