Friday, October 9, 2009

"don't let your sketchbook become precious."

life has been crazy these past few weeks.  my boyfriend has been the perfect little home-maker, cooking us dinner on an impossibly small budget.  he's out grocery shopping right now, so i figured i'd take the opportunity to do a quick blog before he comes home and we get back to the second season of sex and the city. ;)
a little over two months ago, i invested in a small black sketchbook for ideas on the go.  it's been suggested a thousand times over that keeping a daily sketchbook does wonders for improving creativity and getting artistic juices flowing.  personally, i started sketching to help relieve my insecurities about my artwork & get over my need for perfection in my pieces.  i sketch nowhere near daily, but it's nice to just doodle on paper sometimes and give life to some ideas.  here are a few of my pages:

share some sketchbook inspiration pls!
:) melisa

PS: the title of this entry came from this little smidgeon of an article.


  1. come on mother fuckers!
    comment her awesome shit before i kick some arse up in dis piece!

    go with the nike flow and JUST fucking DO IT!

  2. I love them. Especially the 2nd and 3rd ones. :) So cute.

  3. :) i'm surprised you didn't say anything about my b's ridic comment up above. he thinks he's funny. i do too, but only sometimes.

  4. I had no idea it was him. Haha. Of course it was though. And no...he's not. Haha. Basically never. :)

  5. sketchbooks are always useful.
    i always seem to be drawing silly doodlies in mine.

    you should be expecting some in the mail soon little lady!

    but i do like the idea of posting some, hopefully soon ill get a chance to do some scanning and sharing.

  6. one thing i always try to keep in mind when making any type of art.
    even doodlies, is that art doesnt have to be "perfect" and theyre arnt any rules!

